Innovation Segment University research @ CLIMAX

Lithium metal battery with cold charging and protection by a thin layer - Penn State University

A lithium-ion battery with thin layer protection which allows cold charging

The lithium metal battery is the next generation of battery after the lithium-ion battery. It uses a lithium anode and has higher energy density, but has problems with dendritic growth, low efficiency, and low cycle life. The solution to these problems, according to the researchers, is a self-assembling monolayer that is electrochemically active so that it can decompose into its proper components and protect the surface of the lithium anode. The battery is composed of the lithium anode, a lithium metal oxide cathode, and an electrolyte which also has lithium-ion conducting materials and the protective, thin-film layer. Without this layer, the battery would tend to grow lithium crystal spikes if charged rapidly or under cold conditions. These lithium spikes eventually short out the battery, greatly decreasing the usefulness and cycle life. The monolayer will provide a good solid electrolyte interface when charging, and protect the lithium anode.


  • Transportation & logistics

Sustainability domain

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy storage
  • Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

  • Core sciences & engineering

Stakeholder type

  • University researcher
  • Startup or entrepreneur


Relevant for

  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Electrochemical engineer
  • Material sciences professional

Innovation sector

  • Energy storage
  • Logistics & transportation