Innovation Segment University research @ CLIMAX

Inductive charging of EVs in motion - University of Stuttgart

Make it easier to charge e-vehicles even as they move

  • The concept would help automate the charging process so that a rechargeable vehicle battery could be recharged while sitting in a parking lot or paused at a traffic light or driving on selected sections of roads
  • EVs can be charged without cables while driving or while stationary
  • For dynamic charging while driving, induction coils would be installed on the road surface
  • When a vehicle travels over the top of the coils, the coils are activated, and a transfer is made via a magnetic field


  • Transportation & logistics

Sustainability domain

  • Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

  • Core sciences & engineering

Stakeholder type

  • University researcher


Relevant for

  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Telecommunications engineer
  • Semiconductors / optoelectronics engineer
  • Power engineer

Innovation sector

  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics & communications
  • Logistics & transportation