Innovation Segment : Non-storage EV components

Innovation Insights

EV Charging Network Multi-revenue Model - StatIQ India


The local mobility market, two and three-wheel vehicles are starting to emerge as a popular option for a rapidly expanding middle class looking for more affordable options.

The company, based in the NewDelhi suburb of Gurugram, is bootstrapping an EV Charging Network using a multi-revenue model that it hopes will allow it to avoid the financial challenges that other charging networks have faced.
More details

Innovation theme: EV Charging Network Multi-revenue Mode, Installed more than 150 charging stations in Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai and the surrounding environs,end-users buy a subscription from Statiq to use the network, and then users pay a fee per charging session. 

Relevant for

  • Finance professional
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Telecommunications engineer
  • Semiconductors / optoelectronics engineer
  • Corporate finance professional

Innovation sector

  • Electronics & communications
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy storage
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Policy-making


Energy Efficiency

Energy storage

Sustainable transport

Waste management

Type of innovation

Business model


Corporate researcher

Startup or entrepreneur

Solution provider

Corporate management
