Innovation Segment : Electric Vehicles

Innovation Insights

Electric Tractors - Solectrac

Solectrac, a California-based electric tractor company, has developed 100% battery-powered, all-electric tractors for agriculture and other types of utility operations.

In addition to charging from the electrical grid, electric tractors can be powered by clean renewable energy such as wind energy and solar power, providing farmers and their farms with the option of independence from infrastructure constraints and the price volatility associated with diesel and gasoline.
More details

Innovation theme: Solectrac electric tractor, 100% battery-powered, all-electric tractors for agriculture and other types of utility operations,  powered by clean renewable energy such as wind energy and solar power.

Relevant for

  • Mechanical engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Telecommunications engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Electrochemical engineer
  • Material sciences professional

Innovation sector

  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics & communications
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy storage
  • Material sciences
  • Mechanical engineering


Energy Efficiency

Energy storage

Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

Core sciences & engineering


University researcher

Corporate researcher

Startup or entrepreneur

Solution provider
