Innovation Segment : Non-storage EV components

Innovation Insights

Scalable EV charging stations - Tritium


Electric vehicle charging station maker Tritium is launching a new "scalable" platform so its customers can expand stations to charge more cars at once or change the speed at which they provide a charge.

It will provide customers of Brisbane, Australia-based Tritium the flexibility to build a smaller charging station with the built-in capacity to add more charging points for EVs as sales and demand for charging infrastructure increase, founder David Finn told.

More details

Innovation Theme: Tritium's scalable charging stations, customers can expand stations to charge more cars at once or change the speed at which they provide a charge, A smaller charging station with the built-in capacity to add more charging points for EVs. 

Relevant for

  • Mechanical engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Telecommunications engineer
  • Semiconductors / optoelectronics engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Plastics & polymer science professional
  • Material sciences professional

Innovation sector

  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics & communications
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy storage
  • Material sciences
  • Mechanical engineering


Energy Efficiency

Energy storage

Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

Core sciences & engineering


University researcher

Corporate researcher

Startup or entrepreneur
