Innovation Segment : Non-storage EV components

Innovation Insights

EV Fast Charging Network - EVgo

EVgo was one of the earliest and is one of the largest in the United States. EVgo also happens to be 100% powered by renewable energy. EVgo is 4th in the nation in terms of the number of chargers. That said, EVgo has the largest network of “100% renewable” fast-charging stations.

Cathy Zoi, CEO of EVgo, noted that the new EV fast chargers installed in Virginia in the past year have been inconvenient and useful locations such as malls, Sheetz stations, Wawas, etc.

More details

Innovation theme: EVgo EV charging infrastructure, 100% powered by renewable energy, Renewable energy integration with charging infrastructure, EV Fast charging technology.

Relevant for

  • Mechanical engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Telecommunications engineer
  • Semiconductors / optoelectronics engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Plastics & polymer science professional
  • Civil or construction engineer
  • Material sciences professional
  • Power engineer
  • Energy auditor

Innovation sector

  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics & communications
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy storage
  • Material sciences


Energy Efficiency

Energy storage

Sustainable transport

Waste management

Type of innovation

Core sciences & engineering


University researcher

Corporate researcher

Startup or entrepreneur

Solution provider
