Innovation Segment : Electric Vehicles

Innovation Insights

Ecosystem for EVs - TATA Group


India’s Tata Group is making its biggest push yet toward clean vehicles with plans to make electric cars and batteries, set up charging stations, and build a battery recycling plant.

“This is the launch of an ecosystem, which is the real need, not just another vehicle launch,” Guenter Butschek, managing director at Tata Motors, which also owns the British luxury car brand Jaguar LandRover, said.

More details

Innovation themes: EV ecosystem, Battery recycling plant, Ev, and battery manufacturing unit.

Relevant for

  • Mechanical engineer
  • Automobile engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Material sciences professional

Innovation sector

  • Electrical engineering
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy storage
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Logistics & transportation


Energy Efficiency

Energy storage

Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

Core sciences & engineering


University researcher

Corporate researcher

Startup or entrepreneur


Transportation & logistics